Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Latest

I am 38 weeks today! Only 14 more days (but hopefully less) to go. I have been back to the doctor twice. They think I may have preeclampsia, but my blood pressure keeps being good. I am just really swollen almost all the time. I am still having lots of contractions, but nothing regular enough to send me running to the hospital. I just keep hoping and hoping it will be soon. With the bedrest I feel like I have been waiting for this little one for a really long time. It will be nice to get to finally meet him.

In other Hansen news, we still have a job! Hooray for that. Freeport laid off over 1500 people this last week. It really is a scary time and we just keep praying to keep our job and for all the people who need new jobs that they will find them.

Valentine's Day is coming up and the big kids are getting excited to make Valentines for all their friends. We even managed to find Thomas the Train valentines for Aidan. I really want to make some trains out of candy for him. We will see if I stay that ambitious or not. Kiara's class is having a pizza party and the school is selling Valentine candy grams. I can't believe my baby is old enough to be doing all that fun stuff at school already! Valentine's Day is also the day of the groundbreaking for the new temple here!! We are so excited to have a temple so close. Everytime we drive past the temple site we talk about it. I'm sure it will be even more exciting as the temple goes up and we all get to see it!!

We are working on cleaning out and organizing our laundry room which has turned into a major job. I just wanted to be able to actually do the laundry, but now we have big plans. Shane is working on a workbench that will hang on the wall and can be folded up when not in use. I am excited because he can do his projects on it and I can fold laundry on it too. That will hopefully mean I only have to fold the laundry once instead of 3 or 4 times with the "help" of my little friends. I will post the after pictures, but not the before because it is bad!!

That's about all that's going on in Hansenland. Just waiting for a baby and hoping he will make his debut soon!


Leah said...

Look at you at 38 weeks....all that bedrest and he still likes the belly better! Glad you are doing well...can't wait to see him! And yay for a job...this economy sure is crazy!!

Derek & Melanie said...

I hope you have your baby soon. I keep checking your blog in hopes that you've had him. I know how slow the last few weeks can go. Good luck.

Katie said...

Yea! You're almost there! Good luck with the laundry room. I hear you about little "helping" hands!