Tuesday, May 27, 2008

First T-Ball Game

So, I'm supposed to be working, but there are no jobs, so I thought I would quickly put on a post about Aidan's first T ball game. It was hilarious, to say the very least. We got there and had to change into his neon green shirt and put on his hat. He refused to let me put his hat on straight, he had to have it pushed a little sideways. Then when he got up to bat, he did really good hitting the ball, but then got "lost" on his way to first base. (That is what he told me afterwards). It looked like he decided halfway there that he needed to go get the ball instead. He successfully got there, eventually. Then as he ran the rest of the bases he had to skip every few steps. While on the base waiting for the next hit, he danced and spun his hat around on his head. He also entertained with various dances while in the field. I'm not even sure he knew the other team was batting. He definitely had fun and we had fun watching him. Aaron decided he couldn't claim him, but I thought he was great and totally Aidan, having fun and being happy no matter what!

Sorry for no pictures, I just got a job. Better go make some money. I will post pictures soon!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Dance Recital

Kiara had her spring dance recital this past Saturday. She did really well. They danced to a song from Lilo and Stitch and then to Jukebox Boogie. She had a lot of fun. I can't believe she has been dancing for 3 years now. It was fun to see her in a bigger class and not the littlest class anymore. She did really well and was one that everyone was looking at to see what to do. She is so funny though because she is concentrating so hard that she forgets to smile.
Kiara is on the far right and the girl next to her is her friend, Cheyenne.

I keep feeling really old the bigger Kiara gets and the more things she does (It probably doesn't help that Shane feels it is his personal duty to point out how close to 30 I am getting). Today she is going on a field trip to the Safford Pool and was so excited. She had her kindergarten program on Monday where they talked about all the things that they had learned. She really has learned so much this year in kindergarten. She can now draw pictures and then write a whole sentence telling what the picture is about. She can read simple books and tells me all the time what things say that I can't believe she knows. She was really blessed to have a great teacher, Mrs. Thygerson who was so patient with her socialness. She was also lucky to have found some good friends. One of her friends, Cheyenne's mom took over as the kindergarten aide in January and she has been wonderful too. Cheyenne and Kiara have had fun going to each other's houses after school and having tea parties and the other day they were even skateboarding. They are even in the same dance class. I'm glad she has found such a good friend.
In other Pima news, Aidan started T-ball. He has to work on running the bases without holding hands, but otherwise is doing well. He can hit the ball really well and was even catching the ball at his last practice. Rowan is doing well too. I can't seem to keep him out of anything. He climbs on the table, on the top of the couch and anything else he can. It is hard to believe that he isn't even 18 months old yet. 2 more weeks and nursery here we come!!
I have been working hard on a little yearbook for Kiara's class. Her teacher gave me copies of all their pictures from the year and I put together some scrapbook-like pages on the computer to make a book. It turned out really good. I hope all the kids will like it. Shane has been working evenings for the past few weeks trying to get a project done. The equipment he needs is only available in the afternoons/evenings so he has to go in then. It has been a nice change to have him home in the mornings for a little bit. I think he likes the lunches I send with him better than the ones he throws together when he leaves at 5:30 in the morning.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Happy Birthday to Aidan McQueen the Car

Aidan's 4th birthday was last week on Thursday. I think he had a good day. We had grandmas and grandpas over and had cake and more importantly presents. He was very excited to get a Thomas the train hat, Thomas toys, Cars sheets and some dollars. I made him a Thomas cake as requested and it turned out pretty good. Lucky for me that cupcakes make perfect wheels seeing as how I keep having to make things that go for Aidan's birthday cakes.

Some thoughts about Aidan: He is my little buddy. We have gotten to hang out together a lot since Kiara has started going to school and various other things. It has been fun to go to the store with him and watch Thomas movies and play Thomas or Lightning McQueen in the window. He is completely a boy. He loves trains, cars, tractors and anything that is big and can knock stuff over. He has decided that his name is not just Aidan Shane, but Aidan McQueen the Car Shane Hansen. In fact if you ask him his name that is what he will tell you. I can't wait for him to learn to write all of that name! He has been the quiet one in our house for a long time. He also is wonderful in Primary. His teacher always is impressed with how reverent he can be. At home he may be quiet, but he is the one who is going to get into something. He doesn't ask me to get him something, especially if he thinks I will say no, he just gets a stool or a box or both and gets whatever he has his little heart set on. I always get nervous if I haven't seen him for a little while. He is getting ready to start teeball and swimming lessons and will start preschool in the fall. What a guy!