Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Merry Month of May

May was full of craziness and fun. Kiara had a dance recital, finished 1st grade and got to go swimming at the Safford pool. Aidan finished preschool and made a stunning return as the dancing Tball player. Rowan's finger got better, though it still needs band aids and lots of kisses from time to time. Logan has gotten lots and lots bigger with lots of smiles, giggles and plenty of attention from his big brothers and big sister. Rowan has even decided he likes Logan after all and worries greatly about him when he cries. And just in case you were worried all the crying cars at our house are also comforted by Rowan. He puts them on his shoulder and pats them to help them stop crying.

Aidan is enjoying Tball again and is doing much better at getting to all the bases. He has even joined the throng chasing and then dogpiling on the ball each time it gets hit. Thankfully he is still dancing on the bases making tball that much more enjoyable for us!! Aidan is very excited for kindergarten to start and has us counting down the days.

Kiara is already ready for 2nd grade so she can have a "brother break." As much as she loves Logan she is still convinced she needs a sister as soon as possible.

Our garden is growing humongo and hopefully we will have tomatoes, watermelons and corn galore! In other news, I started working at the hospital in admitting to try and make up for Shane's lack of hours. It is going well and I enjoy it, but I really miss my kiddos and my honey.

That is May in a few lines. Hopefully June will have a better blog, but since it is half over, I'm not holding my breath!