Tuesday, May 27, 2008

First T-Ball Game

So, I'm supposed to be working, but there are no jobs, so I thought I would quickly put on a post about Aidan's first T ball game. It was hilarious, to say the very least. We got there and had to change into his neon green shirt and put on his hat. He refused to let me put his hat on straight, he had to have it pushed a little sideways. Then when he got up to bat, he did really good hitting the ball, but then got "lost" on his way to first base. (That is what he told me afterwards). It looked like he decided halfway there that he needed to go get the ball instead. He successfully got there, eventually. Then as he ran the rest of the bases he had to skip every few steps. While on the base waiting for the next hit, he danced and spun his hat around on his head. He also entertained with various dances while in the field. I'm not even sure he knew the other team was batting. He definitely had fun and we had fun watching him. Aaron decided he couldn't claim him, but I thought he was great and totally Aidan, having fun and being happy no matter what!

Sorry for no pictures, I just got a job. Better go make some money. I will post pictures soon!


Elizabeth said...

I wish I could be there to watch. That sounds like so much fun! Yeah for T-Ball!!!