Thursday, June 5, 2008

T-ball dance, lost teeth, swim lessons and macaroni

That about sums up our last week in a few words. Aidan has been enjoying T-ball very much. The rest of us are also enjoying it because he is really hilarious. His dance when he gets to each base is the funniest thing on the field. Today we even had the other team talking about number 8 and his dance. Here is a video I took on my camera of his dance. I hope it works. It really is just hilarious. He is just so excited to be there on the base and so he just has to dance.

We started swim lessons this week. Aidan is very excited to get to be in the big pool. I think the lifeguards like him. Both days we have gone, he has had the lifeguard working with him laughing the entire time. He does a dance after he puts his head under the water, after he swims to the rope, just any time he can. I think he is telling her funny things too because he told me that he was making her laugh. Kiara is doing well in swim lessons too. She was floating on her back all by herself yesterday.

Kiara lost 2 teeth this last week. She was putting something away in the fridge and came to tell me that she had lost a tooth. I was checking it out and she had lost 2! The other one was still in the fridge when we went to look for it. The tooth fairy was slow on the job, but she finally made it and even left a tooth fairy note. Of course, Shane has decided that she is a bit rednecky because of her new smile. He has been calling her all sorts of lovely names like snaggle tooth and redneck princess. Rowan decided that he would find a new place for the leftover macaroni on his tray yesterday morning. He thought the best place for it would be in his nose. All of the sudden I look over and he is grabbing at his nose and making weird noises. I looked at his tray and saw another macaroni and I realized right away that he must have a macaroni up his nose. I jumped up and was trying to figure out what to do when he started sneezing. After about 4 or 5 sneezes it came shooting out. Thank goodness!! No more leftover macaroni for Rowan! It seems like my kids are getting progressively better at getting into trouble. I don't remember either of the other ones doing crazy things like him. I think he just wants to make sure I stay on my toes and never think I have this mom thing figured out.


Jen said...

i love the "get on base" dance! Your summer sounds a bit like mine :) Wow, I have yet to have my girls put anything up their noses. I am sure that day is coming. I am glad it all worked out and no ER was required :)

Leah said...

So cute! That's what's summer is all about...t-ball and swimming! Fun times!

Leah said...

So cute! That's what's summer is all about...t-ball and swimming! Fun times!

Elizabeth said...

Your life is never dull!!! I can't wait to see you!