Monday, April 27, 2009

Who Needs 10 Fingers Anyways?

So on Friday night Rowan was outside with Shane working on the garden. Rowan was playing with Moly (the dog), giving her sticks to chew on. He gave her a stick and somehow his finger got stuck in her mouth as well. She bit down thinking it was just a stick and bit his finger too. The tip of his finger was hanging on by just a little bit. Shane jumped into action and got it all wrapped up and above his head to try to stop the bleeding. He then came in and informed me that we needed to go to the ER and he would probably lose his finger! Needless to say that scared me pretty good. We dropped off the big kids at Ren & Amber's and headed to the ER. The whole way there Rowan kept his hand on his head and I worked really hard to keep him from falling asleep.

At the ER they took x-rays and took us back to check things out. When they took off Shane's wrapping I was shocked to see that his finger was just barely hanging on. They looked at the x-ray and said that the bone was broken at the very tip as well so they called the orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Rex Bryce, to come in to check it out. He came in and reset the bone and sewed it all up and then wrapped his finger up really good to keep Rowan from moving it. I was surprised at how calmly he just sewed it back on like it was nothing. (He actually said he had just done a similiar procedure that morning).

Rowan was a trooper through the whole ordeal. Once Dr. Bryce told him the big light was a flashlight Rowan even smiled and helped him unwrap his finger. They gave him some medicine to make him sleepy while they sewed it up and he just did really really good! We will see on Wednesday when Dr. Bryce changes the dressing how his finger looks.

I guess with 3 boys I better get used to the ER. I was thinking how lucky we actually were that this was our first trip to the ER for an actual injury, but I have a feeling it won't be our last!!


Derek & Melanie said...

Glad everything turned out okay.

Leah said...

SHESH! Scary! I'm so glad your little man is should plan on lots of trips to the er with all of your boys!

Shannon said...

He was brave!! A few years ago my mom was feeding the horses and a horse bit the tip of her finger totally off. The Dr. did a great job fixing it and nobody would know unless you knew about it and looked for it. It's amazing how the body heals!

He'll have a great story to tell when he's older!