Monday, November 24, 2008

Thanksgiving Thanks

I saw this on someone else's blog and am totally stealing the idea.

Things I am thankful for this Thanksgiving:

T: Tummies, an ever growing one that means our baby is getting bigger and bigger, little kid ones to tickle and kiss, good food to put in them.

H: Home, my wonderful little home that fits everyone in plus a dog, a cat, 2 gerbils and a fish with room for one more.

A: Aidan McQueen the car Shane Hansen. This 4 year old keeps me on my toes with constant questions about the letter A and how to spell Thomas's name and all of his friends names. He also is very excited about his newest baby brother.

N: 'nother boy: Rowan. He is the funniest almost 2 year old I think I have met. He is always pointing his finger and giving his "angry" face whenever anyone does anything he doesn't agree with. He gives great hugs and kisses and talks up a storm and then some.

K: Kiara. At 6 years old, she is so excited about school and everything new she can learn. She is gaining a love of clothes and shoes and wishes she could wear makeup, the girl I never was, but I guess I will be now!

S: Shane. I can't even begin to say thanks for all he does for me, but for now I am just glad he still loves me after being with me through almost 4 pregnancies and the accompanying hormones and cravings for endless bean burros.

G: Gifts. Giving them and getting them, of all kinds. Sometimes the very best gifts are the ones that don't cost anything, but touch your heart and make you remember.

I: Income, as in having some. I am so grateful Shane still has a job with the mine laying off people and the economy so shaky and crazy.

V: Very amazing world we live in, with kids who manage to survive with crazy moms, flowers that grow, rain that falls, rainbows that come, days that pass, problems that work out somehow and knowing that someone is in charge of it all, watching over us all.

I: Ice cream and the way it just seems to solve all sorts of problems. Kids don't want to help on clean up-bribe 'em with ice cream, sad-ice cream is a great antidepressant, happy-ice cream works for celebrating, pregnant? have some ice cream, it won't start labor, but you'll be happier about it!

N: next boy. The more I think about, the more excited I get to have another boy. Another boy to carry on his daddy's name, another boy to serve a mission, another boy to build forts, wrestle and just be smelly.

G: Grandmas and grandpas. I am so grateful we get to live here where my kids have 4 sets of grandparents within 10 miles. It is such a blessing for them to have such great relationships with not only their grandparents, but their great-grandparents as well. Plus, grandmas make the best babysitters!!

There are so many more things I am thankful for, it makes me smile just to think about all I have to be grateful for now and everyday.


I found out today that I don't have gestational diabetes, which means I can eat for the holidays however the heck I want!! Whoo hoo!! My 3 hour glucose test came back all normal. I guess the 3+ hours I spent in the doctor's office on Friday were worth it. So all I can say is bring on the chocolate pie and Christmas cookies. I'm pregnant right, I'm not supposed to be losing weight, right??????

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

the future. . . .

The day you deliver, outside will be breezy. Your baby will arrive in wee hours of the morning . After a labor lasting approximately 8 hours, your child, a girl, will be born. Your baby will weigh about 6 pounds, 13 ounces, and will be 20-1/2 inches long. This child will have dark brown eyes and dark hair.

I found this prediction of what my baby's date of delivery will be like at

I wonder if I should get excited because Madame Zaritska says I'm having a girl after all! And only 6 pounds?!? Amazing since they think I have gestational diabetes! At least good for a laugh!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

I have to take it back...

I decided I can't complain about being pregnant anymore because I just found out one of my friends from high school is having her second set of twins in 3 years! AHHH!!! Good Luck Leah and I know you can do it!! You really are the best and the bravest!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Less than 100 days. . . .

Well, according to the little thingie on my blog I have only 99 days left of this pregnancy. I have officially decided that I suck at being a pregnant lady. I just dislike everything about it, except the fact that I will have a baby at the end of it. I think it is good that you forget all the stinky parts of getting a new baby or no one would have more than one. Of course, I keep remembering sooner and sooner with each kid I have. I have been worrying about labor already and reliving the pain in my dreams already. I may have to rethink my no epidural stance this time! I guess Heavenly Father is pretty smart to make women lose their minds again and again so that you think getting pregnant again sounds like fun! Only 99 days to go!

Monday, November 3, 2008


We had a fun and simple Halloween this year. We carved pumpkins on Thursday. The kids got a kick out of that, especially designing their own faces. Kiara wanted hers to say BOO and Aidan wanted a scary one. After Aidan's was done Rowan checked it out and started talking to it in his best scary voice. It was pretty funny to listen to him.
On Friday we went to our stake's Trunk or Treat at the Central ballfield (for the last year there since the new temple is going there!) and had fun saying trick or treat and eating hotdogs.
Kiara was a cheerleader, but at the last minute decided she needed to be something scary, so we opted for her being a dead cheerleader (or at least a severely injured one). I told her she fell off the top of the pyramid. Aidan was all for being a puppy again and since his costume still fit from last year, I was all for it too. Rowan was Tigger with a costume I got from my aunt. It was lovely not to have to buy anything at all this year in the way of costumes! They do look pretty cute, at least I think so :)

Kiara and her best dead cheerleader face

Aidan, the puppy

Rowan, the cutest Tigger I've ever seen!

My mom was all dressed in her witchy best at the Trunk or Treat to give out candy too. The big kids recognized her, but Rowan wasn't too sure. I think he recognized her voice, but she didn't look like herself at all. They got plenty of candy and were very happy!

With their jack o' lanterns