Monday, April 28, 2008

My Fence Heroes

Saturday we had a fence building party. Shane has been trying and trying to get our fence up since we moved in. We have a humougous backyard (We have 1/2 an acre of land) but we are backed right up to the canal which makes letting kids run outside a little difficult. So Saturday Shane's dad, his friend Cliff, Shane's uncle Pete and Shane's nephew Shay, along with Dar, Shane's stepmom came to Pima to help us work on the fence. They, along with Shane and my brother Aaron, got a whole heck of a lot of work done. They worked really hard in the hot sun and left with sunburned faces and sore muscles, but left us a lot closer to a finished fence. This is a big thank you going out to them!! We love you guys!!

Shay, Rowan and Grandpa Kelly walking in to take a much needed water break.

Shay, Uncle Pete, Shane and Dar discussing their plan of action.

Rowan taking a break from his hard work

Thursday, April 10, 2008

My honey

I just couldn't resist posting this picture of Shane. He will most likely kill me if he sees this, but since he never looks at my blog I will hopefully be safe. This is Shane all the way through. He is so willing to do anything to make the kids laugh and be happy. He was trying to get Rowan to smile for a picture so he let Rowan take a picture of him being silly. He loves the kids and me so much, we are really, really lucky to have such a crazy guy in our lives! I love this crazy man even with his tongue sticking out!

A Haircut

Shane has been bugging me for a couple months to cut off Rowan's curls and I finally had to give in this week. I've been putting it off and putting it off because Aidan's curls never came back. My baby is no longer a baby, he is a little boy. (Deep sigh). Somedays I wish they could just stay little forever. Today I gave juices boxes to the big kids for snack and had to give him one too and he drank it without making a mess. (Even deeper sigh) I guess he really is getting big.


Kiara is officially 6 years old. Well, actually she was 6 last week, but then she got sick so blogging was put on the very back burner. I can't believe how fast she has grown. It really seems like not that long ago that I was pregnant with her and scared out of my mind to be a mom. Now that she is 6 and in kindergarten with a whole new world open to her, I think I am even more scared to be a mom. Thank goodness I get to grow up with her.

Just a few thoughts about my little girl. She is such a joy to have in our house. It is never, ever boring with her around. She is a little princess, a drama queen, strong, brave, kind, a social butterfly and never afraid to tell you how it is. If anyone breaks the rules, even mom and dad, she is the one to make sure we know about it. If I am sad about anything she is the one to come give me a hug and tell me she loves me and how glad she is that I am her mom.

She is drama all the time and can make me crazy, but without her our house would just be boring. She gets Aidan to make up shows with her, dress up with her, do naughty things with her and just have fun. She has never wanted to sit still and be cuddled, even when she was a baby. She always wants to be doing something whether it is being outside drawing hopscotch or going to the store. Kindergarten has been so much fun for her this year because she has gotten to exercise her social side a lot. She is a such a good friend. If someone doesn't have anyone to play with a recess, she goes to play with them. She will come home and tell me she played with someone new just because they didn't have a friend today.

She may be the complete opposite of me, but Iwouldn't trade her for anything. She has been through a lot and I'm so glad that she has made it through all her medical bumps without any change in the little girl she is supposed to be. Thank goodness she is mine and Shane's for always.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Happenings in Pima

As the weather is getting warmer we have been spending more and more time outside. In fact, I can't seem to keep them inside. Aidan keeps escaping outside leading to Rowan escaping too. They just want to be outside so they can dig. We got some extra dirt to level out our front yard before putting grass in and the piles are now full of holes that have been dug by bulldozers and shovels. Shane is working hard on getting the backyard fenced in. Aaron has been helping him which has made it go a bit faster. I will be very glad when that is all done so I can send them all outside to play in the dirt without worrying about cars or canals.

We had a good Easter. Shane's sister, Kim, and her kids came up to stay with his mom so they all came over for an Easter egg hunt on Saturday.

We spent all this weekend outside too, having a yard sale and playing. It was nice to get rid of a lot of stuff and have my laundry room back. Now I can actually do my laundry which may or may not be a good thing.

Rowan has discovered the joys of sunglasses. He wants to wear them all the time. Of course, part of it could be that we think he is so darn cute when he has them on and make a big deal about it. But hey, he is pretty cute.